Sunrise Potato utilizes the latest chipping varieties developed by Frito Lay, Cornell University (Lamoka) and our own (SP 327)

The variety Lamoka is a good example of a desired chipping variety because it has low reducing sugars (sucrose and glucose) and very low chip defects. This allows for excellent quality white chips demanded by consumers.
Development of new Chipping varieties
SP 327 is the latest variety developed by Sunrise Potato, which is registered in Canada. Plant breeders rights are with Sunrise Potato.
SP 327 Chipping Qualities

Solids | Moderate ranging from 1.075 for field fry potatoes to 1.085 for out of storage potatoes. Comparable to Lamoka and substantially higher than Dakota Pearl. |
Appearance | Excellent, both fresh & out of storage. Chip defect levels are generally in the 2-5% range. |
Utilization | Field fry & early to mid season delivery out of storage. |
Tuber shape | Round, uniform medium size with shallow eyes. White flesh. |
Food safety | Total glycoalkaloids is 2.26 mg/ 100 grams fresh weight. Allowable limit is 20 mg. |
SP 327 Agronomic Characteristics

Yield Potential | High yields achieved under favourable growing conditions. More yield, earlier maturing and a larger tuber set/ plant than Lamoka with similar fertilization requirements. |
Maturity | Early to Medium. Could replace Dakota Pearl as an early harvested field fry variety and for early shipping out of storage. |
Adaptation | Irrigated & non-irrigated land across Ontario. |
Vine | Medium vine size with good vigour. |
Stand | Good to excellent. Plant spacing should be 25-30 cm. |
Tuber | Very good set of medium uniform sized tubers. |
Vine Kill | Easy. |
Harvesting | Good harvesting & handling techniques essential. |
Stability/Risk | Exceptionally reliable over the years of testing. |
Storage | Good chip colour to 8 months at 48 F or 8C. |
Tuber Dormancy | Medium to long. |
SP 327 Diseases, Disorders & Sensitivities
Scab | Moderately resistant, but develops pits in heavy infestations. |
Hollow Heart | Rare. |
Heat Necrosis | Not reported. |
Early and Late Blight | Susceptible. |
General virus resistance | Very good overall virus resistance. |
Verticillium Wilt/Early Dying | Moderately resistant. |
Black leg | Greatly superior to Lamoka in showing resistance to present species of Black leg. |
Storage Rot | Mildly susceptible to fusarium dry rot. |
Metribuzin | Not known to be sensitive to post emergent spraying of Metribuzin (Sencor). |

- A license to market it is with La Patate Lac St Jean. Tissue cultured plants are maintained at the SPUD Unit in New Liskeard.
- Sunrise Potato grew SP 327 on a large scale in 2020 and 2021. It is being grown for seed by Mark and Carter Atkinson, La Patate Lac St Jean and their growers in Quebec as well as by Haskett growers in Manitoba.
- Two of the grandparents are: Dakota Pearl and Pike, both known for their scab resistance.
- SP327 is resistant (immune) to Golden cyst nematodes Ro1.
Atkinson Farms Ltd has seed of SP 327 for sale.
Contact Marc (705-790-0400) or
Carter (705-790-1899)